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The Funniest Ways People Thought Babies Were Made As A Kid

"Reddit user DramaticChoice4 asked: 'How did you use to think babies were made?'"

A couple lies in bed with a baby between them
Image by Stephanie Pratt

Where do babies come from?

One of life's greatest mysteries.

Or one of life's most solid truths.

But when we're young, we don't know all of the details.

But that doesn't mean there aren't questions.

Oh, the number of questions and curiosities.

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Our criminal justice system has its share of real problems. No one is denying that.

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Children are not for everyone. Yes, to some they are "bundles of joy," but to others, they are simply not a good choice.

For example-children are expensive. Most millennials don't make a ton of money, hardly enough to support themselves, let alone a family.

Others see the state of the world and think, "Why would I bring a child into this?"

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Doctors Share Their 'The Baby Wasn't The Father's' Experiences

"You are not the father" isn't just a notorious quote from scandalous day time television.

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Yes children are beautiful gifts and being able to be parents is a miracle.

So many people long for the chance to build a family of their own with screaming children.

Whether a family is built through blood or adoption, it doesn't matter, it's a dream fulfilled.

But that doesn't mean it has to be for everybody.

We all don't have to be parents and many people really shouldn't, so let's support the people who choose themselves just as much as we support families.

Redditor onlinebeing wanted the childless to say their piece by asking...

Redditors that plan to probably not have kids, what are your reasons?
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