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People Explain How They'd Honestly Respond If Their Partner Asked For An Open Relationship
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Open relationships are a minefield.

Lesson number one: always be on the same page.

There is nothing wrong with being open in love, but know you're doing it for the right reasons.

If not, there could be consequences.

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People Break Down Which Fictional Characters People Should Stop Glorifying
Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

I love a good bad guy in fiction.

Who doesn't?

The villain is always the juiciest character.

In the end, they're the most broken and flawed. So they have the most to unearth.

But as generations have passed, and on a second glance, there are some characters we maybe give a little too much respect to and love to.

I mean, you don't watch Dateline NBC and root for the serial killer. Right?


I blame the book Wicked. It turned the villain story upside down... and The Sopranos.

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It's time to talk truth.

Humans seem to do all we can to avoid that word.

Nobody wants to be embarrassed or feel weird.

But if we don't ask the hard questions to get to the truth (with finesse) we're just running on assumptions.

And assumptions are the enemy, especially in relationships.

But what a world of difference it would be if you just had a respectful conversation about all the things.

Let's try...

Redditor Batman_1267 wanted all of the men out there to share some things they've been dying to talk about, they asked:

"Men of reddit, what's something you've always wanted to ask a woman but thought it would be too embarrassing to ask them?"
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People Describe The Moment They Realized They Were The One Being Creepy
Warren Wong on Unsplash

You don't always know it in the moment. That's the worst feeling of all, just to get that out of the way.

Your day is going just fine. You've gone to your favorite coffee shop to order your usual.

You're on auto-pilot, not thinking about things around you, and before you know it, you're staring at the barista deep in their eyes for an unnecessarily long amount of time.

You've just fell victim to the "creep."

Much like the people in the stories below.

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There's nothing more awkward than a job interview.

What should be a chance to present yourself in the best possible light can quickly devolve into a stuttering, sweaty encounter you're sure left a sour taste in the interviewers mouth.
But what happens when it's the other way around? What happens when the interviewer has done something, a question or comment, that signals that danger center of your brain to say, "Run away?" When the red flag is blood red, what do you do?
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