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Non-Australians Break Down The First Thing That Comes To Mind About Australia
David Clode on Unsplash

Certain countries just develop a reputation with the rest of the planet.

Sometimes it's earned, but sometimes it's way off base.

So what about Australia?

Are the rest of the Earth's stereotypes about the land down under fact or fiction?

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People Break Down Which Cities They Think Are Vastly Underrated
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

Who doesn't love a good travel experience?

While difficult right now, what with the seemingly never-ending worldwide pandemic, there still lingers in many people's hearts the desire to see the world.

But where to go? Don't want to go any place too touristy, too on the grid, right? Certainly there must be some spots that you've heard of but never given a second thought to see.

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Transgender Man's Emotional Reaction After Seeing His Chest For The First Time Following Top Surgery Has The Internet Cheering

A transgender man from Australia shared a huge catharsis with the internet following his top surgery.

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Australia Asked Gay Asylum Seekers If They Could Just Pretend To Be Straight And Go Back To Their Home Countries
MicroStockHub via Getty Images

Many people across the globe are forced to seek asylum in far away places for fear that their sexual orientation or gender identity will lead to persecution, prosecution and even death in their home countries.

That risk must generally be proven when requesting asylum.

Spoiler: there's a right way and a wrong way to ask for proof.

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Dad Shares Powerful Image Of His Heartbroken Young Son Cradling A Wallaby Killed By The Australian Bushfires In His Arms
Joao Inacio/Getty Images

Thanks to donations and volunteer work, organizations have been able to rescue and begin rehabilitating countless animals from the deadly bushfires in Australia.

Yet the billions of animals that died and those still dying looms over every happy story of animals being saved.

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