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The answer to these questions is the kind without words, and typically involves the far more efficient thrown object or a cold shoulder.

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People Share Their Creepiest Airbnb Stories
Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash

Staying in someone else's house can be a bit unsettling in any situation, but Airbnb rentals are often more so because of the fact that you don't know the owner.

Sometimes that feeling of being unsettled can quickly become being creeped all the way out when something particularly off happens. Whether it's discovering that the owner is actually kind of creepy, or never even interacting with them at all because they send someone else to deal with you, things can go downhill fast.

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People Share Their Craziest Near-Death Experiences

Near-death experiences are fascinating enough to have captured the attention of many people over the years. Television specials about them were fairly popular on the 90's and 00's.

Some people experience a feeling of euphoria, or extreme calm, or just don't remember anything at all.

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Learning is a wonderful thing. Each new fact learned and understood expands our realities in new and surprising ways.

Sometimes the things we learn are just so mind-boggling that we have to take a step back to appreciate the universe—before immediately finding someone else to share our newfound knowledge with.

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Warning: The following entries contain disturbing material and may not be suitable for everyone.

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