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Some myths are so strongly internalized by cultures, and even passed on to future generations, that a revelation of the actual truth somewhere along the line went completely ignored.

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Sometimes one action can give a complete impression of a person, and it can't be unseen afterward.

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The answer to these questions is the kind without words, and typically involves the far more efficient thrown object or a cold shoulder.

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You would not believe the amount of people that poop inappropriately at work.

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People Explain How A Stranger They Met Once Left A Mark On Them

We all meet thousands of people throughout our lives, and many of them will quickly fade into distant memory shortly after we do. Some, though, manage to affect us so profoundly from a single meeting that we remember them for the rest of our lives.

Whether it's a stranger who was there to help in a time of need, a kind word during a really hard time, or someone who just happened to say exactly the right thing at the right time—sometimes the memory just sticks.

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