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People Divulge The Most Badass Thing They've Ever Said In The Heat Of The Moment
Photo by Sushil Nash on Unsplash

There is nothing better than ending a conversation with an exclamation point or a mic drop.

It's especially gratifying when you're in a heated moment.

You always want to say the best thing to get your point across and you want the last word.

Those are the moments you wish were being recorded.

They come far and few.

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People Explain Which Things Conservatives And Liberals Can Actually Agree On
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

We're more alike than different.

That is the mantra all the peacemakers keep trying to drown us with.

But then everytime we turn on a tv all we see is political an ideological infighting.

Apparently there are a few ideas and points of view we can agree on.

I'm skeptical, but I'd love to hear them.

Redditor YellowB wanted to hear about all the ways that maybe we can actually find common ground in this difficult world. They asked:

"What is something that both Conservatives and Liberals can agree on?"
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People Share Their Favorite Family Friendly Insults
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

When I'm writing a new script and I come across characters who are destined to be enemies it's aways fun to concoct scorching insults to sling. And right away what you learn from your dramaturge is that less is more. You can eliminate twenty words and infuse them into a ferocious look that leaves the audience heaving. So you realize it's actually quite easy to keep it clean and classy by leaving foul words--though they often send the point home--out first. Hidden meanings in plain sight that leave people in tears are the best.

Redditor u/AvPlayz wanted everyone to share some witty repartee that doesn't require scandalous words by asking..... What is your best insult without swearing?

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Some folks just will not allow themselves to be wrong.

People are willing to go to extremes to be right. Sometimes, those things are embarrassing, but sometimes, those things are absolutely 100% justified.

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It's hard to believe that certain things still continue to be argued, even if they have already been debunked a million times over. But some people just like to stick to their guns when it comes to their beliefs, even if they may not entirely make sense. Here are some of Reddit's dumbest arguments.

u/Vectorman_Ballz asked: What is a stupid argument that people STILL keep using?

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