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bloodied zombie arms reach out from behind wooden barrier
Mikita Yo on Unsplash

Lots of people think they could survive an apocalypse, some even delight in coming up with in-depth plans for exactly how they would go about it.

But there are a lot of angles most people don’t consider.

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People Break Down The Most Overlooked Items When It Comes To Preparing For The Apocalypse
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Alright, folks listen, it's time to talk about preppers. Or rather, "preppers."

I'm using quotations rather than a laughing emoji because my therapist and I are working on learning to control my loud face, and e-faces count.

We're not going to talk about the ones who take this seriously, who do the research and take the time to learn real survival skills. We're talking about (and TO) the ones who seem to think all you need during an apocalypse is more ammo and cool boots.

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Have you guys realized that 2000 was literally TWENTY years ago? There are ADULTS who were not alive in the nineties. That's crazy to me. So they definitely don't remember the frenzy that was Y2K. Here are some stories from the people who lived through it, all those years ago.

u/SongLyricsHere asked: Y2K was 20 years ago. What are you best Y2K stories?

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People Explain Which Supplies Every Household Should Have During A Large-Scale Emergency
Photo by DDP on Unsplash

It's so important to be prepared. Especially on the East Coast where there's a ton of hurricanes. And the West Coast where there's a ton of earthquakes. And the Midwest where there's a ton of tornadoes. Basically, nowhere in the US is safe, so it's best to be safe, rather than sorry.

Reddit user statementbrand asked:

What supplies or items should every household have in case of a large-scale emergency?
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Remember all that Y2K hype that computers would crash and kill us all? Well it never happened, but many people prepared for it anyway. Given world events, some of us are ready again.

Kawhidoyoucare asked Y2K survivors: What was the most radical action someone you know did to prepare for the "apocalypse?"

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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