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People Explain How They Really Feel About A Four-Day Work Week
Steve Ding/Unsplash

Many people in the workforce have complained about being tired and overworked in their jobs.

Because there is no other alternative to getting that weekly paycheck, workers in many industries endure the stresses of the job.

But what if the companies these exhausted employees work for could hypothetically alleviate their work-related stresses and anxiety by reducing their work hours?

Could you be on board?

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People Break Down The Bullsh*t They're Just Tired Of
JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

With so many stresses spiking our anxiety levels in our current climate, it's a challenge trying to pick our battles.

Ultimately, letting things slide and not sweating the small stuff are good places to start so we can get a good night's sleep.

But there are just some things that we can't stop fixating on, and it's mentally taxing.

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People Break Down The Biggest Societal Pressures Men Face
Photo by Alex Vámos on Unsplash

The problem with men is that they never seem to want to discuss their issues.

We're emerging from generations of society and culture that have indoctrinated men to believe that sharing vulnerability and problems were a weakness.

And it's time to talk about it.

Speak up guys, we're listening.

Redditor Tabocuspokus wanted to hear from the boys about life's issues, so they asked:

"What are problems in modern society, that put social pressure on boys and men? And what can women do about it?"
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People Who Suffer From Phone Anxiety Share Their Tips To Handling It
Courtney Clayton/Unsplash

Anxiety often stems from lack of experience in something, and in a world where I can text, use a messenger app, send a chat, etc. there just isn't as much need to make phone calls as there once was.

Which means a whole lot of us turn into flaming dumpster fires when we can't avoid it.

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People Confess The One Socially Unacceptable Fact About Themselves
Joeyy Lee on Unsplash

Being human isn't easy. And surviving humanity is near impossible.

We all have little things about ourselves the outside world may not immediately take to heart.

That's fine. That's the fun part.

But it's not always easy to be fun.

When we're in public we may need to acknowledge the rules of decorum.

But it's ok to not follow the rules, just own the rebellion.

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