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The Absolute Dumbest Things Customers Have Ever Gotten Mad About

Reddit user j-rock292 asked: 'What is the dumbest thing a customer has gotten mad at you about that was not your fault?'

man holding telephone screaming
Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Like many people, I spent my time in retail. Customers were by far the hardest part of the job.

In college, I worked as a "bookseller"—our official title—in a mall for a national chain of bookstores. Without fail, every shift one or more customers would ask for something like "that book, the red one, by the guy."

When we'd ask for more information—like genre or if it was new or where they saw it—they'd just repeat, "red book, guy, you know which one I mean."

We most definitely didn't know which one they meant, but customers thought if we worked in a bookstore we should know every book in print from even the vaguest of descriptions. And they'd get mad when we didn't.

Anyone who has worked with customers has war stories.

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The satisfaction of knowing we helped out someone's situation, no matter how big or small, has a way of making us feel better about ourselves.

That is until we discover what exactly we were "helping" with.

Be it an internet scammer or a dishonest friend, sometimes we find that our money or time might not have gone to the cause we expected it to.

Or was donated under false pretenses...

These experiences can be so frustrating, that it can actually cause some people to stop helping others ever again.

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People Divulge The Most Badass Thing They've Ever Said In The Heat Of The Moment
Photo by Sushil Nash on Unsplash

There is nothing better than ending a conversation with an exclamation point or a mic drop.

It's especially gratifying when you're in a heated moment.

You always want to say the best thing to get your point across and you want the last word.

Those are the moments you wish were being recorded.

They come far and few.

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woman leaning on beige concrete wall
Raychan on Unsplash

In order to live a happy, healthy life, it's important to look to the future and leave your past behind you.

Even so, very few people don't find themselves laying awake in bed at night, or ferociously chopping vegetables in their kitchen feeling resentful, or holding a grudge from something in their past.

Losing a lead role in a school play, not making varsity, being excluded from a birthday party everyone else was invited to.

No matter how long ago it was, it's still hard to shake off the feeling of disappointment and anger you felt at the time.

For some, the bitterness is. like a pot of tea, and only grows stronger the longer it steeps.

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Some things in life are not meant for everybody.

That is totally fine.

But somethings just feel like a representation of the worst of a person in their design.

We may be taking it personally, but maybe not.

Redditor egirlfoodie wanted to compare notes on what specific things are designed for the less than admirable. They asked:

"What is a product made for a**holes?"
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