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The Absolute Worst Ways To Break Up With Someone

Reddit user StarGazingMouse asked: 'What is the Worst way to break up with someone?'

Two people sitting on the sofa looking sad
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Ending a relationship is never easy.

True, some people who have an unfortunate amount of experience doing so have developed tactics and methods to ensure a lack of anger and/or tears.

This might include breaking up in a specific restaurant, having certain music playing while doing so, or timing things out just perfectly.

Of course, those with experience might also tell you certain breakup methods that are guaranteed to end in acrimony and vitriol.

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Doctor and Patient
Photo by Accuray on Unsplash

No one loves going to the doctor.

Een if we are merely going for a routine check-up, there's always the small chance that something might be majorly wrong.

Some people are so terrified of doctors and hospitals that it can sometimes literally take someone dragging them out the door, kicking and screaming, to get them to see a doctor.

Sometimes, when they arrive, they learn that had they waited even a minute longer, the consequences could have been dire.

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People drinking at a party.
Photo by John Arano on Unsplash

Much as we may try to avoid them, it's hard not to find ourselves in situations we would rather not be in.

In some cases, we have no other choice but to persevere and let the moment pass, however uncomfortable or irritating the situation is.

Other times, we know that the only thing to do is leave, right then and there, without looking back.

Even if it means leaving mid-conversation with someone, we know in our gut that there is truly nothing to do but leave immediately.

As our health and safety could be at risk.

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Things People Don't Realize Are Quite Addictive
Photo by Reza Mehrad on Unsplash

It's important to know that everything and anything can be addictive.

And we're not talking about the obvious ones you see depicted in films and movies.

You can be online too much to the point where it impacts your personal relationships.

You can exercise too much to chase those endorphins.

People can take anything to extremes.

We have to be careful.

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People Explain Which Things Aren't Exactly Torture But Sure Feel Like It

We liken too many things to "actual" torture.

We're spoiled and entitled and most of us couldn't handle real torture.

But we are who we are.

So let's discuss all the things that give us massive discomfort.

One Redditor wanted to discuss the things that cause us stress and a touch of ouch. They asked:

"What isn’t torture but feels like it is?"
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