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People Describe The Most Famous Person In Their Family
Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Are you related to anybody famous? Where do they stand in your family?

The reality is, we are all probably related in some way or another to some famous figure at some point in history—the size of the human population was a lot smaller back then.

But how about now?

Does anybody whose name crosses the news on a regular or semi-regular basis come to your holiday table?

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People Explain Which Things Their Most Famous Family Members Were Known For
Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash

Genealogy can be a real trip. Explore the family tree back far enough and you're guaranteed to come across a few head-scratching details.

Sometimes it's a scandalous pregnancy, or maybe a secret marriage. Tales of stowaways are not unheard of. And then, of course, there are the famous great-uncles or even older matriarchs, notable for some outlandish 1800s behavior.

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People Share Interesting Pieces Of History No One Taught In School
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Personally speaking, my favorite historical figure is La Maupin. If you've never heard of her, don't be surprised.

They don't exactly teach swashbuckling, lesbian, opera singing, nun-seducing revolutionaries in most schools.

Things would be a whole lot more awesome if they did.

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As each generation passes, we learn more about who we are, and the world we live in. You would think we'd constantly be improving, but sometimes that just isn't the case. Sometimes our ancestors just got it better than we did, and we have to try to live up to them. No pressure.

RandomDude72636 asked: What is the one thing our ancestors did better than us today?

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It's one thing to be a foodie. It's another thing to put your life at risk because you're a little hungry and you want to be adventurous. How did our people learn what we could and could not consume? Who exactly discovered what seasonings paired perfectly with things? Who was the brave who learned for us that ketchup should always be on a fry? Deep thoughts friends. Deep thoughts.

Redditor u/maniacz2 had a really good life question we never really think about by asking.... What food has made you wonder, "How did our ancestors discover that this was edible?"

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