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Though it's often used as the butt of jokes, there's still a lot to appreciate in the United States, whether you live there or are visiting.

But there are also a lot of things that leave onlookers infinitely perplexed about what it's actually like to live in the United States and why they do things like that.

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People Divulge Which Things Europeans Aren't Ready To Hear
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Nobody likes the truth.

We pretend we do.

The truth tends to lead to hurt feelings.

But we need to hear it.

Redditor Skinny_Cacitas wanted to get into some truths, though it may fall on deaf ears for many. They asked:

"What's something Europeans aren't ready to hear?"
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Americans Break Down What It Would Take For Them To Move To Europe For A Job
Shari Sirotnak/Unsplash

Listen ... we're just gonna be totally honest with you.

The answer is "not much" IF loved ones can come too.

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People Who Oppose Changing American Gun Laws Share Their Reasoning

"Thoughts and prayers." Those are the two main things doled out immediately in the wake of a mass shooting in the United States.

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America rarely listens.

That is because America always believes it is right.

That is not an unpatriotic admission.

I know many people will read it that way, but that would be a false assumption.

America needs some hard truth.

That is the only way to heal and move forward.

Who is willing to listen?

Redditor Pacificfighter wanted Americans to be open and hear about some facts they can no longer ignore. They asked:

"Rest of the world, what are Americans not ready to hear?"
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