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A big scandal has the potential to keep people talking till the end of time.

Even decades later, people are still endlessly fascinated by Watergate and Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme.

But not all scandals are as well remembered.

Indeed, even if the overall consequences were no less extreme, there are some scandals that never quite manage to earn a page in the history books.

Or, at the very least, a Ryan Murphy produced mini-series based on it.

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People Break Down What Would Make Up The 'American Nightmare' Rather Than The 'American Dream'
sukanya sitthikongsak/GettyImages

People often say they came to America to pursue the American Dream.

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People Break Down Which Things Most Folks Don't Realize Are Distinctly American
Catherine McQueen/Reddit
As Americans, we never question how we go about our daily lives and engage with society.

That is, until, we travel abroad and experience culture shock after observing how others interact with each other outside of our own country.

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Foreigners Break Down Their Favorite American Meals
Jonathan Borba/Unsplash

Growing up, I had zero idea that the food I ate daily was "cultural."

It didn't occur to me until I was a kid when my mother had to gently explain to me that not everyone ate rice & beans.

She had to explain it because we were about to eat at a white friend's house for the first time.

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People Share Which Non-Presidents They Would Add To Mount Rushmore
Photo by Dennis Guten on Unsplash

Mount Rushmore, located in the Black Hills of South Dakota, features the carved heads of four of our most famous presidents. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln, respectively. Completion of the project finished in 1941 and since then the term, "Mt. Rushmore," can be used in any event to describe the four best people you know. "Who's on your Mt. Rushmore of NBA players?" and the like.

While the construction and occupation of the mountain lives in controversy as the Black Hills are owned by the Lakota people, technically, to this day, a fun game to play would be what honorable non-Presidential American deserves to go on there.

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