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The Highest Paying Jobs That Require Minimal Human Interaction

"Reddit user YellowJellyCube asked: 'What is the highest paying job that requires little to no interaction with other people?'"

A man stands, arms wide open facing an office building
Photo by Razvan Chisu

Seeing people has become a real issue for many.

And by seeing, I mean like actually, physically seeing other humans.

That is why working from home and limited human contact altogether has become so popular.

We were heading that way already but the pandemic has only intensified the need.

So how do we work and make money without dealing with people?

There are ways to do it, lucrative ways even.

We just have to research and see what's out there.

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Finding a life partner is hard.

Why do the movies lie to us?

And so many more people are choosing life alone.

I guess that not having to share a bed thing is a real plus.

Redditor TheSilverKnight711 wanted to hear from all the single ladies... and gents... and everyone in between. They asked:

"What’s stopping you from having a partner in life?"
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As kids, most of us are desperate to fit in and we want, more than anything, not to feel alone.

Over time, you discover that there is pleasure to be found in solitude and that you don't need to be around people all the time, especially not the ones who don't bring much value to your life.

Being alone is the best. Naps? Quiet time? No one to bother me? It's beautiful.

Kids don't know what they're missing out on until they're older, I suppose.

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor MyLeft_Nu7 asked the online community,

"What is torture when you're a kid but heaven now?"
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People Share The Saddest Thing About Growing Up
Photo by Kat J on Unsplash

Life hurts. And the truth.

So it's a double whammy when learning the truths about life.

When you're young they try to shield you from the worst of it.

But you're going to catch on eventually.

Lesson one... Santa isn't real.

It's all downhill from there.

Redditor Apeeeu_ wanted to hear about all the things that made people frown in the past. They asked:

"What’s the saddest thing about growing up?"
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People Describe The Creepiest Thing That's Ever Happened To Them While Home Alone
Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Why is it that some of the most unsettling things happen when we're alone at home?

Could it be that our minds are playing tricks on us and we're imagining things that aren't there?

Probably, at least that's the hope.

Because someone with a burlap sack over their head with two eye holes cut out and attempting a home invasion would be an undesirable situation.

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