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People Speculate On Who Should Represent Earth If Aliens Make Contact With Us
Bruce Warrington on Unsplash

Lots of books and movies have imagined first contact with extraterrestrials.

Sometimes it ends well, other times not so much.

So choosing the right spokesperson for Earth is critical.

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People Share The Best Theories About Aliens They've Ever Heard
Image by Pawel86 from Pixabay

I'm still on the fence about this whole extraterrestrial situation. I need more proof. Now I'm not naive enough to think that in this vast, endless universe only the human race exists. I just need proof, tangible, solid, didn't see it from my trailer through beer goggles proof.

I also need proof about the afterlife, another out there topic. Truth be told, I've never been that into this whole conversation. I've got enough daily problems on this planet, let alone worrying about making Will Smith's biggest hits into documentaries and not just popcorn/comedy space farce.

But let's compare thoughts...

Redditor u/ValencikHannibal197 wanted to discuss life beyond this planet, what do we really think? They asked:

What's the best theory on UFOs or aliens you've ever heard??
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UFO Enthusiasts Break Down The Most Significant Pieces Of Evidence That Support Extraterrestrial Life
Image by Pawel86 from Pixabay

One of life's eternal questions and wonders revolves around proving that life exists outside of Earth and the human race. Have we truly shown that there are aliens out there or even among us? Some people swear they have the solid proof. Many people believe that we've all been witness to actual phenomenons that are irrefutable hard evidence. Of course it has long been believed the government is housing all the answers in a bunker in the desert. I'm not sure myself, but... I believe Will Smith knows.

Redditor u/theEthan420 wanted to finally find the proof we have long been waiting for about those that live above us, they asked.... [Serious] UFO enthusiasts of Reddit, what is the most significant piece of evidence supporting extra terrestrial life?
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People Divulge Their Weirdest Paranormal Experiences

Some pretty strange stuff happens sometimes, especially when we're alone at night. Whether it's a series of sounds somewhere in the house, a shadow that you can only see out of the corner of your eye, or some lights in the night sky, there are a lot of things we experience that can't quite be explained.

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New Report From The New York Times Details Recent Encounters Between U.S. Navy Pilots And UFOs
PBNJ Productions/Getty Images

UFOs don't necessarily mean aliens, as they have been associated with in pop culture, but they definitely do mean something weird is going on.

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