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Sign with an alien silhouette
Photo by Ai Takeda on Unsplash

Is there life beyond planet earth?

In all likelihood, yes, somewhere in some distant galaxy.

This of course leads many to assume the worst, that our future will be something out of Independence Day.

Unlikely as we all likely hope that scenario is, it's hard not to wonder if it may happen in the distant future.

Or, scarier still, aliens have made life on planet earth, and we've been living among them this whole time without even realizing it.

The possibilities are truly endless.

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People Speculate On Who Should Represent Earth If Aliens Make Contact With Us
Bruce Warrington on Unsplash

Lots of books and movies have imagined first contact with extraterrestrials.

Sometimes it ends well, other times not so much.

So choosing the right spokesperson for Earth is critical.

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People Describe The Creepiest Message We Could Ever Receive From Outer Space
NASA on Unsplash

What is waiting for us in outer space?

Do we really want to know?

I don't. But we should probably figure it out.

Just in case we are not alone.

And any missive sent from above would worry me.

But knowledge is power.

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People Debate Which Song They'd Choose To Play For Aliens To Best Represent Humanity
MaddiesCreation on Unsplash

Alien invasion movies typically portray extraterrestrials as hostile entities endeavoring to either enslave us by inhabiting the earth or blow it up into smithereens.

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If there is extra life out there, they may have passed over us already. They've had centuries to make an appearance and not a peep. Well, allegedly.

However, if they were to visit or ask us to come on up, who would we send?

We'd need representatives that aren't embarrassing, foolish, rude, or crazy. And of course, someone who could let loose and have a laugh.

Redditorjakehood47wanted to discuss the "best" choices we have for humanity's spokesperson, they asked:

Aliens land on earth, and we have to send one person, from any point in history, to meet with the aliens to leave a good impression of Earth and prevent total annihilation. Who would you send?
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