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Ah college. What a time to be alive.

The people who love to keep that party going are great.

But many have a bad Pater Pan complex and never learn to grow up.

Yet some end up on top of the world.

It's all a coin toss.

Redditor ihaveaclip4urclique wanted to share the tales about what happened to the life of the party after everyone grew up. They asked:

"College graduates of Reddit: What happened to that friend that never stopped partying?"
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Bartenders Break Down The Weirdest Thing They Ever Witnessed On The Job
Image by press 👍 and ⭐ from Pixabay

When you work in the service industry you are more than just a waiter, host or bartender. You are also a therapist, a janitor, a cop and a journalist of life. Everyone should have to work at least one month in a bar or restaurant sometime in their lives so they can grasp the scope of the craziness of humanity. The stories bartenders have could fill up story ideas for Oscar winning films until the end of time. And still, nobody would believe half of it.

Redditor u/Adexiss wanted all the liquor slingers out there to share with us a bit by asking... Bartenders of reddit, what is the weirdest thing that you have ever witnessed at your job ?
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Bouncers Who Have Kicked Someone Out Of A Bar And Later Crossed Paths Share Their Experiences

A bouncer has a tough job. Nobody wants to deal with unreasonable and belligerent drunk people. But someone's gotta do it.

Unfortunately this also means sometimes, the bouncer pisses somebody off, and then accidentally sees them in real life at some point thereafter.

These interactions aren't always bad, but understandably, they stick with the bouncers. It's only a little nerve-wracking to work these jobs...

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Recovering Alcoholic's Wife Throws Out His Expensive Bottle Of Maple Syrup, And The Internet Is Understandably Divided
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When one of your loved ones is a recovering addict, you may feel like you have to take extra precautions around them to avoid any potential triggers.

But in this particular couple's case, the wife was more triggered by the steps her husband was choosing to take in his recovery.

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People Recall The Dumbest Thing A Drunk Friend Has Ever Done

We all have those friends, well let's be honest.... we've all BEEN that friend. It's okay. Sometimes liquor gets the best of us. Often those five extra shots are NOT a good idea. Try to remember that. Nobody wants to have to babysit their adult friends. Now, often these moments lead to lifelong hilarious stories. But you need to watch how many stories you collect and actions come with consequence.

Redditor u/walletsalt wanted everyone to out the whacked, liquored up behavior of their friends by asking..... What's the dumbest thing a drunk friend has done?

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