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Reaching 50 is a life goal.

Getting to that milestone is something we should all aim for.

So many years, so much life lived.

Which means there is so much story to tell.

Who can't help but look back and advise about how to do it better?

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People Explain Which Cartoon Characters Become More Relatable The Older They Get
Doug Maloney on Unsplash

Many of us really related to characters in cartoons and Disney movies as kids, especially the main characters, but how relatable they seem changes as we get older and have more life experience.

Ariel's desire for freedom and control over her own life makes total sense when you're a kid and adults are in charge of your life, but she starts to seem kind of irresponsible once you realize that she put her whole family in jeopardy just to get what she wanted.

Meanwhile, some of the other characters, especially authority figures, start to make a heck of a lot more sense when you experience being truly responsible for other people.

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People Explain What Makes Them Think 'Wow, I Really Am Getting Older'
lucas law on Unsplash

Old age is something most of us aspire to, but sudden reminders that were getting there quicker than we might think aren't always welcome.

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People Break Down Which Things Scream 'I'm Having A Midlife Crisis'
Ümit Yıldırım/Unsplash

Red sports cars have been a mid-life crisis trope for as long as there have been red sports cars and lives have had mids.

But for real, nobody is affording them in this economy. And if we could, we couldn't gas them up anyway.

But broke folk deserve a crisis, too! Probably more than anyone who can afford a sports car...

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People Share The Activities Their Body Told Them They Absolutely Must Stop Doing
Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

Getting older is inevitable.

Like everything else on the planet, over time the human body suffers the effects of wear and tear.

Joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, teeth, etc... are put through the ringer and eventually it begins to show.

Things we used to do with ease suddenly aren't so simple.

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