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The Real Reason Why People Cheated In A Relationship

Reddit user polyaprotic asked: 'People who cheated in a relationship, why?'

Two people kissing
Photo by Niki Sanders on Unsplash

Cheating is one of those actions in a relationship that is super divisive.

Most people are either dead-set against it or basically all about it.

But there are some who could understand how it could happen, and others who were willing enough to discuss what led them down that road of possibility, to begin with.

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People Break Down The Exact Point At Which Cheating On Your Partner Begins
freestocks on Unsplash

In this day and age of sexual freedom and experimentation, why would you cheat?

It makes absolutely no sense.

Unless, the act itself is part of the fun.

No matter your decision, let's pinpoint the moment we know we're heading down that path.

Everybody can name the times you feel it in your gut.

You know it's crossed a line.

Now what?

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People Who've Gotten Away With An Affair Confess Whether They Feel Guilty Or Not
Image by Alejandro Tuzzi from Pixabay

Cheaters never win or prosper. Or do they? Those are especially pointed questions when it comes to matter of the heart. Being in a relationship is difficult. Just because you love someone doesn't mean the devil still isn't beguiling. We're not perfect. I love vodka, but I don't pretend rum isn't out there. I just have to commit to not imbibing. ;)

Redditor u/tofuandvegantendies wanted to see who was willing to discuss the times they've strayed from the path of righteousness in relationships by asking... [Serious] People who had an affair and got away with it: what's your story? Do you feel any guilt?
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People Who Slept With Their Teacher Describe The Subsequent Fallout
Image by Nicholas Jackson from Pixabay

There's a show on Hulu called A Teacher that made me think about the repercussions of a teacher having an illicit affair with a seventeen-year-old student.

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