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We get it, we're all super busy, and sometimes it's really hard to get all the chores done around work and living our lives.

But there are appliances we can have in our home, like a dishwasher, that can make those chores much more convenient.

However, they could really ruin our day, too, if we use them incorrectly.

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Millennials Describe The Most 'Middle-Aged' Thing They've Ever Said
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

According to Gen-Z, Millennials are just old people who can't perfect a middle part and have a weird obsession with Harry Potter. As a 26 year old, I may as well be dead to them. In fact, I find myself doing a lot of “old people things", like getting excited about new socks, and unironically listening to the oldies station on Spotify.

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People Break Down Which Things Everyone Believes Are Bad For You But Are Actually Quite Healthy
Image by Preben Gammelmark from Pixabay

Life is FULL of contradictions. More times than not and just when you thought up was down it turns out right is left. It's all so confounding. One of the main points of life that leaves everyone confused is health. We're told so many different perspectives about "health" as a whole. But health is a larger story than we realized. And what we've been told may not be good for us, actually could be...

Redditor u/OverPerformance3146 wanted all of us to discuss what certain things, in hindsight, are best for your quality of life, by asking... What is something people think is very bad for you but is actually good for you?
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People Divulge Which Adult Problems They Were Absolutely Unprepared For
Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay

In the words of every millennial who was once on Tumblr, adulting is hard. I've been a legal adult for nine years now, and I still don't fully understand taxes. I just let TurboTax do its thing and hope for the best. They REALLY need to teach that sh*t in schools.

But I'm not the only adult who still feels like a child! I think a lot of us can relate to that. And to be honest, we can be very unprepared for what life throws at us.

U/cracksandcrevices asked: What is an adult problem that nobody prepared you for?

The worst part is the cruel awakening that we actually have to, you know, do stuff on our own.

Choosing things is hard.

Having to not only make important decisions by myself (I expected that much) but also having to do so in a timely fashion uninhibited by indecision.


Having to make decisions is such a big thing for me. Intellectually, of course I knew I'd have to make decisions. I just want ready too make them without knowing the consequences and at the speed of life.


Errands eat up sooo much time.

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How much time you spend just doing stuff.

"Oh need to replace my tire and that's over by the store, so while I replace the tire I can do some errands and I'll save time and be home in no time" three hours later "Okay just one more errand before I head home"

Also how putting off a small task just a couple days in a row can quickly amount to a longer chore/responsibility later. "Eh I can just leave this in the sink, get to it later before bed" x 2 days "Why is this grime caked onto this plate still I've been scrubbing for 10 minutes straight!"


That’s what delivery is for.

Being sick and having to care for yourself. Like when you were younger your parents would get the medicine, or the medicine cabinet would just be stocked all the time, etc. But here I am with a cold having to build up the energy to go to the supermarket to buy some asprin and throat lozenges all by myself.


Underwear gnomes are the true pests.

The endless cleaning. I had chores when I was a kid, but I had zero clue how much actual work went into keeping house. I cleaned my house this morning and by midweek it'll be a war zone of pet hair, crumbs, and dust. I don't even have kids wtf it's like the underpants gnomes show up when I'm asleep and mess my house up.


Reddit Users Share Their Best 'It's A Small World After All' Experience

Another sh*tty thing is the crushing loneliness that comes with adulthood. Why didn’t they tell us that we would have no friends after the age of 25?

The only thing I miss about school.

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A lack of community. Growing up you have your elementary school. Each day you see your friends and participate in activities together. Sometimes they move away and sometimes you do, but it largely stays the same through high school and middle school. Flash forward to adulthood and you're just alone. You want to make friends IRL, but have no idea how to go about doing it without seeming creepy, desperate, or god knows what.

This is really hard when you are not overtly religious so you cannot join a religious community. My friend and I talk about this from time to time, it's arguably the hardest thing to deal with in life. It gets worse the longer you live, as you know you are outliving your generation.


The reason why I have cats.

You can go days on end without having to speak to a single person, at first it's a dream come true, after about 2 months you start talking to your toaster to pad the silence while waiting for your toast.


I literally haven't spoken to someone beyond saying thank you/no when buying groceries in months. At first it felt kind of freeing and now it's just kinda sad.


Ditto on this advice.

The inevitably of your parents dying. My dad just passed away and I'm one could have prepared me I guess.


I feel you. Mine passed away back in August when I was 28. There's nothing you can do to prepare for it, and I'm afraid I have no magic words to make it better. Just know you're not alone. I'll never say it gets "better," but it eventually starts to suck less and your hard days get a little less frequent. I'm so, so sorry.


​The sad fact is, you have to start fending for yourself with no one to help you. And that’s terrifying.

Saving money is hard for this reason alone.

Basic home maintenance: when to change air filters, smoke alarm batteries, timing of lawn care, how often do you clean the gutters, are you supposed to clean under the stove, what is edging, how do you recycle, how to change locks, etc.


Not to mention the random costs that spring up. Trying to save up money? Good for you. Except your sink just sprung a leak so you need to pay a plumber to fix that. Now you can save money agai... Nope, car needs servicing. Okay, your can definitely save money now.... Wait, that leaky sink sprouted mold so now your bathroom needs to be gutted and redone.


We are all Squidward.

Being absolutely exhausted most of the time. I never thought I'd be the 'I hate everyone' guy. But I am and everyone can f*ck off.


We all become Squidward after hitting a certain age.


You either die a SpongeBob or live long enough to become a Squidward.

Me? I'm Patrick. F*ck your rat race.


​You know what’s the one thing I wasn’t prepared for when I became an adult? Being an adult. This sh*t is overrated.

​This is such a scam.

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You can EASILY eat 1000 calories in ten minutes but it takes 1 hour of vigorous exercise to burn off..


Financial literacy is SO important.

Retirement. Saving and investing over many years. Start as soon as you can. Luckily I have paid off my primary residence and own investment property as well as a diversified portfolio with some good bets as in BTC DOGE and FMCC these last 3 will moon real soon. Good luck and happy travels in your investment career. Start early! Do your own due diligence before investing. Learn as much as you can along the way. Your financial freedom depends on it.


​There really needs to be parenting classes.

Caring for your first baby. If you have experienced relatives or friends who can help, great, but we did not.

A colleague in a similar situation a while later said to me, "12 years of school, 4 years of college, and never once any lessons on the most important responsibility we will ever have!"




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Realizing that so many people in the professional world are totally without scruples - totally dishonest, greedy, immoral and just out for themselves. What's more, they have absolutely no remorse about it.


We all secretly still feel like kids.

I'm 55, and am beginning to have grey hair and lines in my face. I'm amazed at how old I look, and physically, I'm a wreck (!), but inside, I'm still the Goth/Punk young woman of my twenties.

In fact, I'm mostly invisible to everyone in their twenties, which is something I've only recently understood. It's a mixed blessing.


As someone who has lost a parent, I can tell you that sometimes you will never be prepared for certain events in your adult life. Everyone's experience is different, and sometimes adulthood just means figuring it out for yourself.

You got this, grown-ups of the internet. I believe in you

Not every school offers comprehensive classes on "adulting", but wouldn't it be hugely beneficial?

Examples of such classes would include maintaining financial stability and healthy relationships; and preparing for job interviews in a professional manner – and yes, even cooking and cleaning.

According to Study International, adulting classes are not only offered in universities but also in schools through private courses and in libraries.

But what if adulting classes were mandatory additions to the school curriculum?

Wondering about the logistics of learning basic life skills as part of an academic requirement, Redditor anafaurberto asked:

"How would you feel about school taking up an extra hour every day to teach basic 'adult stuff' like washing clothes, basic cooking, paying taxes?"

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

"My rural a** school did this in the 00s.... home ec, sewing, taxes, cooking, woodworking, etc. Could even get into metal working, accounting, quilting, pottery, etc if you wanted to."


Value Of Education

"My school did the same. I was a good student but at that age you just don't realize the valuable information they're giving you, you kept the information long enough to pass the tests and then you went and got alcohol poisoning in a field while your parents thought you were at a movie with Nicole and Becki."


Fun With Pasta

"My home ec class had groups of three students try to make one pot of spaghetti and every single group's spaghetti was inedible in different ways and it made me afraid to try cooking again."


Meanwhile, In Australia

"This is kind of the basis for home ec (the main subject I teach) as it is these days in Australia. It's moved towards solution-based problem solving. Students learn about how ingredients interact with one another under different conditions, they learn about nutrition, they learn about technology in food (ranging from how UHT works to GMOs to drones in agriculture), about ethics in the food industry, food security, marketing, sustainability, etc. It's a huge subject. In their last couple of years they can choose to do a subject that is focused on cooking and the hospitality industry but they can also choose more academic subjects around food and/or health so up until then we cover all the stuff they need to know and be capable of doing to go either way. Kids fresh into high school start super basic and make a couple of very easy things with the real purpose of teaching them to be safe, work both independently and with others, write and follow a plan based on a recipe, and clean up properly. It's also when we start teaching them why they need to use brown vs white sugar and keep eggs out of the fridge for baking, etc. At my school it's mandatory in their first year and after that they can choose."


Swedish Options

"We have this in Sweden."

"Sewing and woodworking are the two options of 'crafting' class. You get to try both and then pick one to stick with."

"We have 'hemkunskap' (maybe it's called something different now, this is middle school/junior high stuff and I'm 30 this year so been a while), directly translating to 'home knowledge,' where, at least when I did it, mostly did cooking, but there was some classes and tests on washing clothes, cleaning and such things. Some home economy as well."

"There was nothing on taxes afaik, but here I pay taxes by logging into our equivalent of the IRS's website and press a button."


Definitely 'No' To Extra Class Hours

"My school had a class like that, most of the classmates didn't pay attention and now complain 10 years later that they never learned about taxes and credit card interest. Also some parents were super upset about the school 'overstepping' their boundaries by teaching basic budgeting, I can't imagine that situation has gotten any better in the last 10 years. I'm not against the class being taught, but at the at the end of the day you have to realize that all that stuff is easily learned once you are an adult with just a minimum amount of research - if someone isn't taking the 15 minutes it takes to learn how to wash their clothes properly or watch a youtube video for a basic recipe as an adult when they actually need to do those things to function, no way in hell as a teen would they pay attention to a class that tried to teach them that. It's still a good idea to have the class, but it isn't some magical fix everyone seems to think it is.

I am against the adding an extra hour of school though on top of regular school though."


Mackenzie Ziegler Whatever GIF by Kenzie Giphy

Attentions Spans

"Right? I mean, there's a class on budgeting and credit cards already. IT's call Math class and everybody hates it and doesn't pay attention. I blew people's minds in high school one day by actually USING the quadratic formula to find the maximum of something. That's like the first thing you cover when you get to quadratics."

"Other things that are teaching actual skills like home ec or woodworking are fine and should be encouraged more. But everybody looking around and wondering why they weren't told about interest rates isn't paying attention in math class. Full stop."


Would Be A "Full-Time Job"

"I'd be opposed to the extra hour. But not the activities."

"School was already an 8 hour a day thing, pushing it up to 9 hours means it actually becomes longer than a full time job. And that's before you get to homework and sh*t like that."


No Obligation

"I agree. It could be done as an elective. These are things that could and should be taught by parents, but they aren't things all parents know, and not all kids have parents who would take the time to teach them either way. It should be available for kids who want it, but not required, and certainly not adding an extra hour to the school day."


Enough Is Enough

"Lets be real. It's already pushing overtime every single week. We just had to take our work home with us and spend an hour (or more) working on it every night. Hell, some kids push 50+ hours every week."


Here's The Point Of Education:

"Schools have these already and the kids in them don't care. It's not immediately relevant to their lives so they don't pay attention. Sorta like if I were to talk to you about the do's and don'ts of denture cream. You say, 'eh, I'll figure it out later when I need to know it' and stop paying attention."

"I've taught in several schools that have tried to teach social skills, kindness, meditation, financial literacy, etc. In every case, the kids did not care. It was their least favorite part of the day because it felt like a waste of time."

"The point of education is to teach thinking, not doing. A well-educated student can teach themselves these things. A quick Google search can teach you how to file taxes, cook, etc. But you can't Google how to do Algebra 2 and expect to understand what you read without some background in the subject matter."

"Edit: I got upvotes? Now I'm mad with power, so I'll say this:"

"I hear arguments like this post all the time, and I think the real issue is people not taking responsibility. 'I can't cook? That must be the school's fault! We need education reform!' No, it's not the school's fault. It's your fault. You could literally Google a recipe in 20 seconds. Stop blaming other people for your problems."

"People don't realize that the point of education isn't to teach facts, but the change your brain. For example, physics and math majors earn the highest scores in the MCAT, GMAT, and LSAT. It's not because they learned those things in class, but because their curriculum emphasizes logical thinking. When students slack in schoolwork, they're not just missing out on the opportunity to know stuff; they're missing out on the opportunity to be smarter."


It's About Developing The Brain

"People don't understand that education is more about developing the brain rather than retaining knowledge."

"You can easily obtain knowledge from reading a book or watching videos. But education forces you to do stuff like read and write a lot or practice a lot of math problems. Those tasks help develop the brain and develop critical thinking skills."

"Even undergrad programs in engineering are not really meant to retain knowledge. They are meant to wire the brain to think like an engineer. Most of your knowledge in engineering is going to come from training you receive in industry and just working in projects in industry."


A good majority of Redditors believed that any additional time spent at school for the sake of acquiring adulting skills was a waste of time.

The argument that students go to school to learn how to learn remained a compelling one, and that the discovery of how to cook or doing laundry was either a quick Google or YouTube search away.

Because spending more time at school than necessary is awesome, said no one, ever.