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An embarrassed child
Jelleke Vanooteghem/Unsplash

When you were younger, your protected perspective on life and the world was probably significantly different compared to now.

Before life experience informed your decisions, younger you most likely had higher aspirations to achieve a specific goal or swore off doing something you found objectionable.

But here you are, as an adult, doing the exact opposite of what you had intended.

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People Describe The First Time They Remember Feeling Like An Adult
Ben den Engelsen/Unsplash

In the US, teenagers technically become adults at 18, an age when they are presumably able to make decisions for themselves and establish independence.

But some teenagers feel they've emotionally and mentally reached maturity before being of legal age, and for some, long after.

Maybe it was a life-changing event or some kind of turning point that make these young adults feel like they are wise beyond their years.

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People Explain Which Foods They Continue To Hate Well Into Adulthood
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

When we were children, there were certain foods that even the mention of made us gag more than a little bit.

Broccoli, anchovies, mushrooms, you name it!

But then, as adults, we might discover that these foods are not revolting as we remembered them to be.

In fact, we might discover that we actually like them.

But even after growing out of our picky eating habits, there are likely still some foods that we still try to avoid eating whenever possible.

Redditor ohwowwhatfun was curious to hear all the foods the Reddit community never developed a taste for, leading them to ask:

"Which food item do you continue to hate even as an adult?"
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People Break Down Which Chores They Didn't Realize Would Consume Their Life As An Adult
Jason Briscoe/Unsplash

As a kid, I honestly truly deeply believed that being an adult would mean getting to do what I want.

Several people lied to me and I'd like to speak to all the managers.

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People Explain Which Things Their Parents Warned Them About That Were Blown Way Out Of Proportion
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Parents and adults are so dramatic. And they have the audacity to say kids are a handful. How many things have we been warned away from due to unforeseen possible dangers?

Don't do that. Don't touch that. Don't go there. That person is shady. The list seems endless.

Then you grow up and start experiencing all the do's and do not's and you realize, every adult was either lying or too dramatic to live.

Like take a chill pill. This was the concern? Let's see who can relate.

Redditor u/Marshalljoe wanted to discuss all the things that aren't as bad as they seem, by asking:

What is something that you were warned about when you were younger that you now feel was exaggerated?
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