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The Biggest Shock People Have Experienced In Their Adult Lives
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

All of us have found ourselves taken by surprise on a few occasions.

There are good surprises, like a friend you haven't seen for years making a trip to celebrate your birthday, as well as less great surprises, like your boyfriend surprising you with tickets to the hockey game, when he knows full well you hate hockey.

But then there are the moments that truly leave us at a loss for words.

The chapters in our life which, for better or worse, we will never forget.

Things that we would never expect to see or hear in a million years, and which we still might be processing to this very day.

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People Explain Which Mistake They Made As A Teen Still Haunts Them Today
Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

It's well-known that the brain of a teenager is a half-formed thing. But that doesn't stop us from getting down ourselves for those old mistakes even years later, as full-blown adults.

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People Break Down Which Teen Movies Epitomize 'The Older I Get, The More I Agree With The Adult'
Photo by Tyler Delgado on Unsplash

Do you remember watching teen movies and thinking how the parents were either overbearing or complete deadbeats?

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People Explain Which Things They Loved As A Child But Can't Stand As An Adult
Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay

Growing up and losing childhood may be a big bummer but at least I'm not just the cheese powder in the Mac N Cheese packages anymore.

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People Share The Things They Couldn't Believe They Had To Explain To Another Adult
Westend61/Getty Images

There are things you kind of assume people can't make it into adulthood without understanding.

But you'd be amazed how much those assumptions don't exactly match up with reality.

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