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People Break Down 'The Incident' That Happened At Their High School

A deleted Reddit user asked: 'What was “the incident” at your high school?'

High school student carrying text books.
Element5 Digital/Unsplash

Nothing has more impact on our lives than the moments of adolescence.

Everything seems to be high stakes–especially in high school–where short-term goals like being popular and voted best-looking are the coveted status.

And when teens fall short of expectations, struggle with academics, and feel like breakups are the end of the world, they don't have the wisdom yet to know things eventually get better.

It's no wonder many successful TV series like 90210 feature teens. There's plenty of drama to entertain audiences who've either been there or are going through it themselves and find many of the plotlines are relatable.

But sometimes, there are plenty of unimaginable and horrific incidents that take place and are forever ingrained as part of the high school experience.

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