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Hollywood sign
Vincentas Liskauskas/Unsplash

People tend to gravitate toward various celebrities based on the work they do without really knowing who they are in real life.

For example, actors who play nefarious characters may have a legion of fans who love the rebellious persona but can be let down after discovering their personality is actually quite loveable.

We often tend to forget celebrities are people too, and their real-life persona may be contradictory to the type of characters they play in movies.

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I have such love for Sam Neill. You know him as Dr. Alan Grant in Jurassic Park, more than likely. But he's been in some brilliant stuff for decades. His work in films like Sleeping Dogs, My Brilliant Career, Possession, Dead Calm, and The Piano is brilliant.

Oh, and I haven't even gotten to In the Mouth of Madness and Event Horizon yet (especially that last one). Now there's an actor who hasn't gotten his due, at least stateside. Throw him an Honorary Academy Award, at least!

I'll just keep singing his praises for now, but there are so many other actors out there who also deserve recognition.

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Woman gazing at the Hollywood sign
Vitaly Sacred/Unsplash

Many of your favorite film celebrities you adore and worship after watching them for years are still human beings... who can be a contradiction of how they're depicted in Hollywood.

While fame can certainly go to a once-aspiring actor's head, there are surprisingly plenty of luminaries that haven't forgotten where they came from.

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When the first X-Men film went into production, Dougary Scott had been cast as Wolverine.

However, after Mission Impossible II went over schedule, and amidst some rumored pressure from Tom Cruise, Scott was forced to withdraw from the film.

As a result, the producers of X-Men took their chance on a relatively unknown young Australian actor named Hugh Jackman.

And the rest, as they say, is Marvel Cinematic History.

Indeed, it's rather shocking that Hugh Jackman wasn't the first choice for Wolverine, as it's hard to imagine anyone else in the role, so perfect was the rugged yet vulnerable Jackman.

Something even Dougary Scott has come to admit himself.

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, however, is only one of countless instances of a role being so perfectly cast, that it's impossible to fathom anyone else in the role.

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People Explain Which Actors Portrayed A Role So Well They Can't Imagine Anyone Else Playing It
Warner Bros.

Major props should always be given to casting directors who have nailed it with their choice of actors to portray specific roles.

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