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How many times have you sat down to binge-watch the show the world has been talking about where the hype is off the charts?

Then 20 minutes in you're re-evaluating your choices in friends.

To say some TV shows have been overrated is an understatement.

My list is long, but Reddit also had a lot to say.

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People Break Down Which Actors Were Perfectly Cast In Their Roles

Sometimes an actor/actress comes along that is able to reach the audience on a deeper level due to the sincere portrayal of their roles. The actor that immediately comes to mind is Robin Williams. Although it is difficult to pinpoint which of his roles was the best because truly they all seemed made for him.

His genuineness shone through in Patch Adams and left us all with a tear in our eye. One of the best castings still today. The quality of casting made the film impactful and gave life to the characters. Which is something all directors strive for.

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People Break Down Which Actors Are Guilty Of Playing The Same Exact Character In Every Film
Image by graham wizardo from Pixabay

Art is subjective. We all don't agree on what is a superlative and what is not. So when it comes to judging acting and thespians it can be difficult. Some people are decent and entertaining because we enjoy their same old shtick. But you can't all that range. Some actors make a brand and a fortune playing the same part on repeat. It's not a sin but it's also not... "Oscarworthy."

Redditor u/HotfoxK wanted to discuss the thespians that seem to repeat performance by asking.... What actor is the most guilty of playing the same exact character every film?
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