acquired tastes

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We all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to food.

While some people might not be able to stop eating certain foods, the very thought of that same food is enough to make others gag.

Then there are the foods which are universally considered to be delicious delicacies, the foods so revered that it is assumed that everyone must find them delicious.

Only, not everyone does.

Redditor jamboamericano was curious to hear which foods the Reddit community couldn't quite grasp the appeal of, leading them to ask:

"What a food in your opinion that quite simply sucks and you don’t understand the hype behind it?"
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People Share Which Things They Disliked At First But Learned To Love

Some things are acquired tastes, and it can take a long time to cultivate a love for them. Alcohol, spicy foods, veggies, school; all of these and more can take some getting used to but most folks start to like them once they give them a try.

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