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People Explain Which Groups They Believe They're In The Top 0.1 Percent Of
Photo by Jake Ingle on Unsplash

It's usually a good feeling to be "on top".

To be found at the top of the list of a notable or unique accomplishment.

Though having the distinction of being in the top 0.1 percent of something might not always be something to brag about, resulting in some keeping this distinction to themselves.

If only because some people might be unusually fascinated by their so-called "accomplishment", that they'll never stop being bombarded by questions.

Redditor ImLostInTheForrest was curious to hear if any members of the Reddit community believed they were in the 0.1 percent of anything, be it commendable, bizarre or unfortunate, leading them to ask:

"What’s something you believe you may be in the 0.1% of?"
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Getting that coveted position at work or being named valedictorian are wonderful accomplishments.

But while those achievements are nothing to scoff at, there are other moments in life outside the workplace or classroom worthy of praise.

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After months of hibernation, every city will soon be out of lockdown and on the path to the new normal. So what did we all do to utilize the time? Write a novel? Start a workout plan? Or cry, eat and drink? All of those answers are valid. Some people did actually decide to use the time wisely. And now that freedom is upon us they have new talents to share with the world.

Redditor u/JAIC2004 wanted to know who made the most of their downtime in quarantine solitude by asking.... What have you started in quarantine that you will continue after?
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People Reveal What Their Teenage Self Would Think Of Them Now
stanley45/Getty Images

Being a teen is hard: hormonal changes, raging emotions, high school, college exams; there's a lot going on in teen's lives. It can often seem like a bit of a hopeless time and for many people, life really does get better.

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