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People Explain Which Strange Abilities They Had As A Child That They've Since Lost
Tanaphong Toochinda on Unsplash

Childhood can seem like a magical time.

Anything is possible.

But that magic doesn't always make it to adulthood.

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People Share The Most Pointless Special Ability They Possess
Omar Lopez/Unsplash

Having EDS comes with a whole heaping helping of weird body stuff, but there are two that people typically notice about me and have dubbed my "useless super powers."

My nails grow long and fast and all of my joints are hypermobile so my pieces all squish and bend like Elastigirl.

Don't get excited, it's not fun.

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We all kind of want to be X-Men, right? To have something really cool and special about us that puts us ahead of the pack?

Well the good news is, most of us do have something really awesome and cool that we can do that pretty much nobody else can. We may not be X-Men, per se, but we might as well be some sort of superhero in our own stories.

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