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People Share The Telltale Signs That Someone Has A Crush On You
Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

How do you tell if someone has a crush on you?

It's not always so easy, and many of us will fumble our way through it. Perhaps our only experience with navigating crushes comes from John Hughes movies (which I don't recommend following).

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People Share The Most Underrated Horror Movies Of All-Time
Photo by Merch HÜSEY on Unsplash

It's spooky season! You know what that means: time to curl up on the couch, make some popcorn, and watch some horror movies. But what if you're not much of a horror aficionado and you're just getting started out? Are there any classics you might want to check out? What about anything new that's received good reviews? Where to begin?

Well, you've probably seen the classics by now, so what about the ones that might not get as much airtime?

Thankfully, horror fans are more than happy to weigh in. You can thank Redditor LiamCruz24, who asked the online community,

"What horror movies are underrated?"
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What causes a small town to die?

Honestly, there can be quite a few factors, but perhaps the biggest one is that small towns often lack the upward mobility opportunities that are more available in urban areas.

As a result, many towns around the United States for instance have lost tens of millions of people as their populations seek jobs and opportunities elsewhere.

And what remains of these places can be pretty sketchy.

People told us more after Redditor RadicalizedSnackWrap asked the online community,

"What's a super sketchy US city that we never hear about?"
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Doctors aren't perfect.

Many are them are excellent at their jobs. However, diagnosing a patient's symptoms isn't always easy. That's why it's up to their patients to advocate for themselves and be as open, direct, and as honest as possible about any and all of their symptoms.

Doctors––and some patients––told us about medical problems that were eventually detected and treated after Redditor kramboll asked the online community,

"Doctors of Reddit, what's your "I'm glad you mentioned that symptom" moment?"
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People Share The Dumbest Thing Their Parents Actually Believe In
Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

I had a friend years ago. We'll call her Anne. Anne had a mother who seemed to believe every conspiracy theory in the book. I don't know how in the world she managed to keep any of these beliefs straight, especially when one conspiracy theory appeared to contradict the other. I often rolled my eyes when she'd go on her rants. Anne's mother was a nice enough lady... she just happened to live in an entirely different reality from the rest of us.

But Anne's mother isn't the only parent out there who believes in nonsense. That's what we were reminded after Redditor Crazed_waffle_party asked the online community,

"What's the dumbest thing your parents believe in?"
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