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People Share Their Craziest Roommate Horror Stories
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Most of us have had at least one bad roommate. I had several at one point... and those were enough for me. Think about it: Large house, a bunch of different people... there was bound to be friction. I don't miss those days. The food lying around, the roommates who didn't bathe regularly and left dirty towels lying around in the single bathroom that house had or the one roommate who didn't know how to wash dishes properly. The frustration was unreal. Let's just say I escaped and years later, after a couple of other roommate situations, I thankfully live alone and stress-free!

People told us all about their worst roommates after Redditor Out-of-Simpacks asked the online community,

"What's your roommate horror story?"
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You meet someone new. It's going pretty well, you're connecting, the conversation is flowing smoothly.

Then they spy someone out the corner of their eye, make sure there's no one else within earshot, and drop an unabashedly racist comment.

What's up with that? Abhorrent behavior, right? You probably feel like backing away from them and dislike them immediately, right?

People shared the things that make them side-eye the people around them after Redditor brainpain152 asked the online community,

"What makes you instantly lose respect for someone?"
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Waiters Break Down The Most Intense Conversations They've Ever Interrupted On The Job
Photo by Kate Townsend on Unsplash

Being a waiter can be grueling. The customers can be ridiculous, management can be insane, and the shifts can last FOREVER. But guess what, you can people watch and hear some of the craziest stuff you've heard in your life. Customers say whatever the hell they want and they don't care who hears... so it shouldn't surprise you that waiters learn everything.

People shared their stories after Redditor HeyHey1211 asked the online community,

"Waiters of Reddit, what intense conversations have you awkwardly unintentionally interrupted?"
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People Break Down How Their Perspectives Have Changed As They've Gotten Older
Photo by Anthony Tori on Unsplash

One of the things that affected my outlook as I grew older: More empathy. I became more empathetic toward my parents and my family members, some of whom aren't necessarily the best people. I have to say that working to understand a lot of their behavior––if not necessarily forgive it––gave me peace of mind, more so than reacting negatively, that's for sure.

People were keen on sharing the life lessons they've picked up along the way after Redditor GeneralAd_4617 asked the online community,

"What are some of the life perspectives that changed while you grew older?"
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People Break Down Which Items Cost More Than They're Actually Worth
Photo by rupixen.com on Unsplash

You know what, as much as I've enjoyed college, I have not been happy with some of the money I've been forced to spend on textbooks. Thankfully, there are all sorts of PDFs available and you can often get away with ordering a different edition from the current textbook because it's unlikely there have been significant changes. However, this was not always helpful, particularly in courses that used specific books that you could not pass the class without (reportedly). Imagine my disgust after putting down $200 for a book that a professor decided a couple of weeks into the semester that we would not use.

People had plenty to share after Redditor PeevesPoltergeist asked the online community,

"What costs more than it's worth?"
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