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IT workers
Christina @ wocintechchat.com/Unsplash

Few people earn a living doing what they love.

That's why those in the workforce call showing up for work "the grind"–which implies labor-intensive tasks for long periods of time.

However, there are situations in which employees love their jobs and don't even call their labor of love "work."

They just happen to earn money doing what they love. Who are these people? Where are these jobs?

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People Describe The Oddest Jobs They've Ever Had

Working in entertainment production is one of those things that sounds awesome - and make no mistake, it is.

It's just that it's also one of those jobs that means when your partner calls you at 1 in the morning to ask where you are, and you tell them you're out measuring lemons for Beyoncé... it's not a euphemism and it's not that weird.

Queen Bey wants a bowl of 15 evenly sized lemons for her dressing room, Queen Bey gets a bowl of 15 evenly sized lemons for her dressing room.

And because catering runners care about doing their jobs well and usually have a multi-tool on them anyway, Beyoncé is getting the sexiest, most uniformly sized, lemons we can find.

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People Break Down The Most Ridiculous Things They've Ever Had To Deal With At Work
Klaus Vedfelt/GettyImages

Everyone has a unique story about their job that no one else outside of their profession understands.

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People Share The Most Unethical Thing Their Boss Has Ever Asked Them To Do
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

A boss can make or break a job.

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People Break Down The Most Corrupt Thing They've Ever Seen Their Employer Do

We all know that companies will do whatever they can to save a buck and move it into profit instead. That is how many successful companies were able to rise. There comes a time however when the big redline of ethics is crossed and the cost savings turns into an issue of causing harm to others.

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