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People Describe The Fastest They've Ever Seen A Coworker Get Fired
Marten Bjork/Unsplash

They say it's hard for workers to get fired from their jobs. That is unless, of course, the employee is self-sabotaging and has nothing at stake.

While there are many unemployed people desperately looking for work, there are apparently just as many of those who want nothing more than to leave a situation that makes them miserable, despite having a steady paycheck.

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People Divulge The Exact Moment They Realized Their Workplace Was Toxic
Image by Malachi Witt from Pixabay

Leaving a stable job is a weighty choice. Good salary, benefits, friendships with co-workers, and room for upward growth are all factors that may entice someone to stay put.

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Some people just aren't meant for certain types of jobs. Maybe food service isn't their thing, maybe office jobs aren't their thing, but either way, it's worth sticking it out for just a little bit. Some people don't make it that far. In fact, there are instances where some get fired on their first day. Here are some of the craziest stories, told by the employers themselves.

u/Lo-Fi_Kuzco asked: Managers of Reddit, what made you fire an employee on their first day?

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Let's be real, we've all broken rules at our place of employment at one point or another. Whether or not we've gotten caught, that's another story. Toeing the line with your job is not the smartest idea, but there are the rare occasions that we do, in fact, get away with it.

Sammy-J23 asked: What was a situation where you thought, "I'm going to be fired for sure" but it turned out completely fine?

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The minimum wage in America is insultingly low, yet employees working for a pittance are still expected to go above and beyond the call of duty. Some of these stories are pretty frustrating, and only makes it clearer that all work deserves decent pay.

justme112358 asked minimum wage workers of Reddit: What's you re "I don't get paid enough for this shIt" story?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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