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People Explain Which 90s Terms Are No Longer Used Today
Josh Pereira/Unsplash

Back in Ye Olde 90's we had totally tubular stuff like grunge music, boy bands, jelly shoes, and the commonly held delusion that it was the 1960's.

So ... pretty much exactly like now but with thinner eyebrows, crappy dial-up internet, and we still had Betty White.

The 90's may be gone and back again as far as fashion is concerned, but language hasn't exactly ridden that same wave.

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People Break Down The Things From The 90s That They Miss The Most
Javier Martínez/Unsplash

Oh, the 90's. So many of us, especially millennial's, have an affinity to the nostalgia of that decade. It's hard not to love the retro aesthetics, compact discs and Sony Discmans, the jazz blue and purple pattern that was on all of the cups, and dial-up internet.

Well... maybe not the dial-up part. But if that sound isn't burned into all of our memories!

Some of these things we just can't do anymore, because they simply do not exist (RIP Blockbuster). It's sad, but true. The most we can do is hold tight to those fond moments of our childhood.

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Picture yourself as a kid. What are the things you see? Do you see yourself clutching a Donatello Ninja Turtles figurine underneath your poster of 98 Degrees? Do you maybe see a coloring book, or a Lisa Frank bag, or a trapper keeper?

So many small things can easily remind you of childhood. And the nostalgia bomb is intense, but often on the most random things. Us 90s kids are the kings and queens of being immediately nostalgic when we see anything from the 90s. A simple candy necklace is enough to trip our memories.

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People Noticed A Common Thread In This Photo Of A Movie Theatre Marquee, And 90s Kids Are Relating Hard
@DevonESawa/Twitter // @yashar/Twitter

As the republic continues to crumble, nostalgia has never been more in.

This is exemplified by the theatre marquee at Edwards Cinema which features a list of movies that will have you checking the date to make sure you're in the right decade.

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