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People Confess The Most Positive Things To Happen To Them In 2020

It's no secret that 2020 has been a dumpster fire of a year for all of us. Between a stressful US election, a global pandemic, police brutality, and all of the turns our own personal mental healths have taken, it's a wonder any of us are managing to cope with the constant trauma.

But, it hasn't been all bad on the micro level. Some things really have come through for us individually in 2020...right?

At least, it has for these people.

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It's almost 2020 y'all!!!! The end of the decade that gave us the iPad, the new Star Wars trilogy, and Lizzo, and the beginning of one that is bound to give us an abundance of positivity and happiness. But we will always remember some of the crazier things the past decade has brought us, including the ones you are about to read.

u/Yokeyoyo asked: People of Reddit, what's the craziest thing that's happened this decade?

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We're a few days away from 2020, and the news for the last few years has just been a tailspin of tragic. That doesn't mean the world is all bad, though.

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People Confess Their Biggest Regrets Of 2019

2019 is a done deal. That's okay. 2020 is gonna be better. So lets purge. Let us all gather and let go and release all that no longer serves us. Anything 2019 that plagues us, holds us back. new resolutions are underway. A new year, a new beginning.

Redditor u/these_pretzels_suck wanted to know who didn't live up to the best of what 2019 had to offer by asking... What's your biggest regret of 2019?

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Dustin Lance Black Says That He Actually Sees Some Of Harvey Milk In Pete Buttigieg—And He Has Some Advice For The Rising Political Star
Scott Olson/Getty Images, Dominik Bindl/Getty Images

As the well known South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg is becoming a prominent figure in the 2020 presidential election, civil rights activist Dustin Lance Black wants to make something clear as members of the LGBTQ community get acquainted with the gay candidate.

Black, who is a screenwriter and won the Academy Award for Milk (2008), was asked to comment on the concerns Buttigieg faces from the LGBTQ community in an interview with British program AM to DM.

Most notably, an article on Outline wrote a profile about Buttigieg in which he was described as "the most palatable gay man in America," and why that was a problem.

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