Reluctant People Reveal The Most Expensive Things They've Ever Held

Reluctant People Reveal The Most Expensive Things They've Ever Held

Reluctant People Reveal The Most Expensive Things They've Ever Held

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If you have ever held something and thought, "if I drop this I will need to take out a loan to pay for it", then you can totally relate to these people. Try not to cringe as these folks tell us the most expensive things they could have paid for if they messed things up.

Terrazor asks: What is the most expensive thing you have ever held in your hands?

Put the gun down...

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$145k Italian made double rifle in one hand and a glass of $7 wine in the other. I put down the wine when they told me the price of the gun.

Not fragile, but still very impactful

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Used to work at a bank as a teller. Once held a 3 million dollar check. Written out to himself from his business account within our bank, so I could verify he had the available funds.

Kind of surreal. At the time I distinctly remember thinking "This is worth like 50 years of work for me." Just crazy.

No pressure

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I was told the data I was responsible for not losing was worth millions. I was paid minimum wage.

Geophysical survey company

A lot can happen in a few steps

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Part of a Gutenberg Bible. It was in a sealed case and we moved it from a van to an elevator.

A creative way to play with money

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worked in a bank once and juggled with bundles of 250k. Had 750k on the go but couldn't do the 1M coz i'm shite at juggling.

You better be on your best driving behavior

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I've driven a Aston Martin Vanquish, and all i could think of was "don't crash, don' crash, don't crash".

This piano had high expectations

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I once played the piano that Rachmaninov took around the country with him when he played here. I don't know how much it was worth, but it was a nice Steinway, and it used to be Rach's. Also, yes, I did play Rachmaninov on it.

That's a pricey piece of a car

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Fernando Alonso's steering wheel for his Ferrari F1 car in early part of this decade (can't remember exact year). Google says US$50K

It's good to know the truth about those gold nuggets

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Picked up a gold bar worth $250K back in 1988. Bloody heavy which has made me laugh at movies where they steal gold by putting 20 or so bars into each duffel bag and carry two bags at a time.

Sounds like it could snap right in half

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25,000 dollar geologic instrument

That's a lot of time and money

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Tray of about two dozen limited-edition Patek Philippe watches. Something like 1.5 million USD.

Gentle but firm will do

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I shook hands with my boss once. He's worth millions.

How could you focus on anything else

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My violin teacher bought one of Beethoven's violins. She had me play it to feel the difference between a 1k and 250k violin. No I didn't focus on listening to the tone. I was focusing on not dropping/snapping it.

An impressive device tht makes you feel bad about yourself

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A $25k radar thingy that my boss made me carry to the driving range so the computer could tell him he had a s**** swing

When you look at the price tag last

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A $2,000 Rolex that the nice lady at the store let me try on, or the $2,000 Valentino bag that i didn't know was Valentino till I found the price tag


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A human heart

Diamonds are a girls best friend

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$825,000 diamond ring at Tiffany's, NYC

$16.5 million of "biscuits" at Crown Casino, Melbourne, Australia

$1,000,000 cash (it's smaller than a slab of beer)

$486,000 diamond drop necklace (came with its own body guard for the night)

Black Amex Card (customer bought jewellery)

In certain situations, this is like gold

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Printer ink. Am a simple man

All that studying was expensive

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My degree.

Dropping electronics is never good

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I work in electronics. I have regularly held trays of parts worth 10s of thousands. Sensitive enough that dropping the trays meant costing 10s of thousands

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