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three young men at a table in a library looking at a laptop
Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Life is moving so fast.

Everytime we get used to something it seems like it evolves and we have to learn more.

I miss CD's. Spotify confuses me.

AOL chat rooms were simple. What the H*LL is Discourse? Or Discontent?

I miss TV just being on channels in the box.

There are so many apps I have cold sweats.

And I can just tap my credit card and pay for things?

It's too much.

But all the things I learned will soon be gone.

Like the OG Toys 'R Us.

Time to say farewell...

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We are totally at a crossroads of being.

Boomers and Millennials are fighting to be heard on all stages of life. The old must go out and the new must come in. The struggle for power and to be heard is astronomical.

Some things we are trying to be heard on? Which traditions need to become things of the past, of course.

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