smart celebrities

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People Explain Which Celebrities Are Far Smarter Than They're Given Credit For
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Why do people automatically assume artists have to be a bit... dumb. I can't tell you the amount of times a conversation has taken a slight tone shift when someone answers the question of... "And what do you do?" with... "I'm an actor/dancer/writer... etc." There is always a touch of "bless your heart" mixed with "how courageous" and a sprinkle of "here, I'll use my smaller words for you darlin'."

Like I can't comprehend your callous, bloviating, garrulous verbosity. I know things, and I talk real good, so relax. That is why it's always so humorous and I always feel vindicated when people discover the brains behind the art of any of us, especially the famous.

Redditoru/invaderismwanted to drink all the smart juice of the famous by asking:

Which actor or celebrity is smarter than we usually give him/her credit for?
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