sign language

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People Who Were Born Deaf Explain What Their Inner Monologue 'Sounds' Like
Image by Yerson Retamal from Pixabay

I am in awe of the hearing impaired. They don't allow anything to stop them. They live their lives to fullest in complete silence. We have a lot to learn from them.

I know I hear myself differently from how my voice actually sounds. So what do they hear? Is it even explainable? Let's ask...

Redditor u/Turmixolt-teveszar wanted to hear from the deaf community about the language in their minds by asking... People who born deaf. How's your inner voice sound, or you just speak sign langue in your head?
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Hand gestures are a big part of verbal speaking.

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Deaf People Share Communication Mishaps When Signing With Drunk People
FluxFactory/ GettyImages

The world is already hard enough to comprehend when you're drunk. Have you ever tried using a door intoxicated? It's like you'd need to be some sort of wizard-level locksmith to get it open. Now, imagine handling all of your communicative needs with your hands. Yeah, that'd be just a tad rougher.

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Flying is not for everybody. There is no such thing as a perfect flight. As a passenger we're not privy to the truth of the journey every plane takes. But our Captains are aware. And they know some things and have some stories we probably don't want to know but can't help but need to hear.

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