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People Explain Which Quotes Absolutely Changed Their Outlook On Life
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

It's amazing how much power words can carry.

Sometimes, when you're feeling down, and having trouble getting motivated, all it takes is a few words of inspiration which can get you out of your funk.

Sometimes words can carry so much power, that they might even forever change the way you live your life.

Redditor KiT_KaT5 was curious to hear the quotes that changed people's outlook on life for the better, leading them to ask:

"What is a quote that changed your outlook on life?"
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People Break Down Which Cliché Messages They're Sick Of Hearing
Image by Isa KARAKUS from Pixabay

Not a day goes by that we don't come across some recycled platitude, some well-worn pearl of wisdom, or an absurd saying that ceased to be helpful long ago.

But don't hold your breath on those cliche messages going away any time soon.

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There are literally millions of movies.

Within each movie, hundreds to thousands of quotes. The options for your favorite movie quotes are endless.

Of course, not all movies are created equally, so some definitely stand out more than others.

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Forget Shakespeare and Nietzsche- modern cinema is where it's at when it comes to good quotes. Some movies are more quotable than the Old Testament (have you SEEN Heathers?), and have made it into the modern vernacular. Here are some of the best ones, courtesy of Reddit.

u/princehalem asked: What is your favorite movie quote of all time?

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Redditor gonewild9676 has found himself in quite the predicament. His wife had a few ideas regarding their marriage and now he's a bit perplexed, to say the least.Take a listen...

My (46m) wife (41f) recently filed for divorce after shunning me for the last year but just told a mutual friend she really doesn't want one.

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