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People Confess What Their 10-Year-Old Self Would Never Believe About Themselves As Adults
Omid Armin on Unsplash

Some of us might have done an activity in school where we were asked to write a letter to our future self. This was done to give us a plan, a road map you might say, that has us consider our future and what we hope our lives were like.

However, now that many of us are "grown-up," we can see that things we hoped and wished for when we were 10-years-old are not quite what we could have imagined.

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Thankfully some of us aren't totally enveloped in the complete dystopia that is the USA job market.

Some of us actually love going to work every day. (Or working from home every day.)

Who are these magic beings? They live among us.

Yes, it's true. Someone YOU know loves their job.

Don't believe me? Take a look below...

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