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The Strangest Paranormal Activity People Witnessed

"Reddit user AdonisBlackwood asked: 'What paranormal activities have you witnessed?'"

The paranormal is among us at all times.

The ghosts, the spirits, they "live" in their death.

Sometimes a coincidence or a phenomenon is something more.

Leftover essences have been seen and recorded.

Now not everybody is cool with every encounter.

I still have shivers depending on the mood.

But when will we all be on the same page and start living 'Beetlejuice?'


That could help with the spookiness of it all.

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People Describe The Most F**ked Up Thing They've Ever Seen That Still Haunts Them
Photo by Jeffrey Grospe on Unsplash

CW: Graphic imagery and accidents.

No one leaves this life without scars.

We witness so many awful things on a daily basis.

How could we not be followed by it all?

Messed up things are just part of the deal of living I guess.

One minute you're walking along on a bright sunny day, then boom, you're a witness to a murder.

Or some such craziness.

That's why I stay home a lot.

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People Break Down What Would Make Up The 'American Nightmare' Rather Than The 'American Dream'
sukanya sitthikongsak/GettyImages

People often say they came to America to pursue the American Dream.

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People Describe The Scariest Thing That's Happened To Them While Home Alone
Photo by Nate Neelson on Unsplash

Being home alone isn't always the most tranquil thing.

No one is there to help or protect you.

And things that go "bump" in the night... sometimes they do more than bump.

Redditor ag9910 wanted to hear about the times home felt like an unsafe place to be. They asked:

"What is the scariest, strangest, most unexplainable thing that has happened to you while home alone?"
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People Who've Stumbled Upon A Dead Body Share Their Story
Photo by Richard Bell on Unsplash

Even for those who work in careers where co-mingling with the deceased is a regular thing, seeing the dead is never normal. And the more gruesome the ending, the more unforgettable in the worst way. I often tend to skip going up to an open casket at funerals, so I can't imagine stumbling across the dead randomly. I close my eyes when I kill spiders.

Redditor u/ideologistpool wanted to know who has made some grisly discoveries they felt like chatting about by asking....

People who stumbled on a dead body, what's your story?
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