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Rainbow cake
Alexander Grey/Unsplash

The word gay, which was often used to describe moments that were joyous or lighthearted and carefree, has evolved considerably.

In modern usage, the word "gay" colloquially refers to homosexual men, but it can also be used in a demeaning way typically drawn from LGBTQ stereotypes of men behaving or appearing in a flamboyant manner.

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People who engage with more than one gender have a really unique experience.

Those of us who fall squarely into heterosexual or homosexual know the emotional and sexual patterns of the genders we are attracted to, for the most part. We know what to expect on a first date or in a long term relationship.

We don't have to keep track of too much information. Bisexual folks on the other hand? They have their work cut out for them.

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Since we grow up in a world where it is assumed that we will be straight, we don't receive a lot of education on the LGBTQ+ community. Most places receive zero education, as decades of homophobia and gay erasure rear their ugly heads even in modern society.

So curiosity from straight people is natural. It's welcome. It only helps break down the walls between our communities.

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Straight People Divulge Which Questions They've Been Too Embarrassed To Ask Their LGBTQ Friends And Family

Being someone who is in the LGBTQIA+ community, I always really appreciate open conversation with people outside the community. There's no shame in asking questions--it's best to foster the conversation rather than make assumptions. But straight people will always have questions. Here are some of them.

u/VictorAnichebend asked: [Serious] Straight people of Reddit, what questions do you have for LGBT people you'd be too embarrassed to ask in person?

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Mom Outraged After Florida Teacher Confronted 11-Year-Old Daughter In Front Of Class And Asked If She Is A Lesbian
WPTV News/YouTube

Grade school teachers calling on students to answer a question should relate to the lesson, not to a student's personal life.

A fifth-grade student at Northport K-8 in Port St. Lucie in Florida is embarrassed to go back to school because a teacher asked if she was a lesbian in front of the whole class.

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