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People Break Down Which Professions Are Criminally Underpaid
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

How in the "richest" country in the world, do people still make pennies on the dollar for hard, often extraordinary work?

It was exposed during the pandemic just how little some are compensated.

What happened to giving people their worth?

Something has to be done. It's a travesty.

Redditor DarlaPA wanted to discuss the careers that need a raise... ASAP! So they asked:

"Which profession is criminally underpaid?"
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Dad Forced To Deliver His Own Baby At Home With Just One Hand After His Wife Went Into Labor While He Had A Broken Thumb
Alex Cousins/SWNS

A dad was forced to deliver his own baby at home using just one hand after his wife went into labor and gave birth - while his broken hand was in a cast.

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Experiencing things for the first time is something not enough people really appreciate. When we say "first time" we tend to think about first kisses, first intimate experiences, first heartbreaks... but there are literally zillions of firsts we all have that we just don't take the time to appreciate.

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