high school sweetheart

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People catching up at reunion event
Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

Not everyone has the best memories of high school, so it stands to reason that they might not be the most excited about attending their high school reunions.

For those who actually do attend, they're able to confirm that the events are not all they're cracked up to be and are sometimes, quite frankly, a little bit strange or surreal.

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People Break Down What It's Really Like To Marry Your High School Sweetheart
Image by klimkin from Pixabay

Everyone deserves as epic love story, and only a small percentage of the world actually gets one. So its always fun to hear about the times when matters of the heart work out. Everybody assumes that people too young to vote are not capable of understanding and navigating the emotions and drama of love, that's why we're all encouraged to wait until we're older, but the heart is going to act no matter how young. And the mind be damned. And sometimes it all works out, sort of....

Redditor u/glasssofwater wanted to hear the truth about all the stories that continue after "I DO" by asking..... What's it like to marry your high school sweetheart?
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