good idea

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Why is sex such a dramatic aspect of life?

It carries such weight in our lives.

For some, there's a big debate about waiting for marriage.

Other want to know if they're compatible (both emotionally and sexually) before tying the knot.

Whether it's for religious or other reasons, this topic can put a strain on many adult relationships.

First and foremost, we do know we have to do what's best for us.

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Women Who Gave A Creep A Chance Explain How It Went
Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

Love is a gamble.

That is just fact.

Even if they seem perfect that can often change.

That's why a lot people have taken a chance on the "not obvious" person.

Why not try with this guy? See what happens.

Have y'all seen "Fatal Attraction?"

THAT is what happens.

Creepy is creepy for a reason.

Be careful ladies.

Redditor HorizontalInterruptwanted to hear from all the ladies out there about the times they decided to go ahead and see what happened with a guy. So they asked:

"Women who gave the creep a chance, how did it go?"
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People Share Their Best 'It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time' Stories
Pixabay / Pexels

We've all had those situations where things seemed like a great idea - until we actually do them and then realize it's a total disaster. (For a lot of us, that idea was a relationship, don't even lie.)

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