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Man in knit cap looking sad
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Even in this supposedly progressive modern age, far too many men feel self-conscious about the natural act of crying.

Feeling that it's not a manly thing to do, even though many would argue that it takes a real man not to be afraid to tear up publicly.

Of course, even the most unabashedly masculine men don't have complete control over their emotions and find their eyes watering unexpectedly every now and then.

Sometimes giving in to grief, sometimes overcome with joy, and sometimes simply owing to a corny commercial for coffee.

Sometimes this happens when nobody's around. Other men aren't so lucky.

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I admit, I love my stuffed animals. They're the best.

Some of them have been with me for years and I have them proudly displayed in different spots around my apartment. And when I've packed them for a move, I've done so with all the tender loving care I can muster.

What is it about them that stirs up these feelings?

Believe it or not, it's quite possible to form emotional attachments to inanimate objects!

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Men Divulge Which Things They'd Never Want To Admit Out Loud
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

We all know how bad masculinity has impacted women throughout history. But there are plenty of aspects of masculinity that also hurt men too.

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People Break Down The Real Reason They're Happy To Be Single
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

A recent Reddit thread shed some light on the overwhelming benefits of being single.

Sure, finding a soulmate is wonderful; there are few things greater than true, generative love with another person. But let's face it, that's not always what a relationship actually looks like.

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Guys Who Don't Usually Open Up About Feelings Confess What's Really Troubling Them
Image by Victor Vote from Pixabay

Toxic masculinity is justifiably villainized. It is so often the cause of physical abuse against women, problematic behavior in the workplace, powerful men refusing to listen, and a general culture of patriarchal aggression.

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