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Proteing powder and a shake
Nature Zen/Unsplash

Consumers these days are required to do some research before making a purchase on something they don't necessarily need.

But advertisers have upped their marketing strategies to persuade customers that they need certain products and that they are being offered them at a competitive rate.

Don't be fooled. There's a reason why the Latin phrase "caveat emptor" –Let the buyer beware– is commonly thrown around.

Not every product out there is life-changing.

Instead, they are nothing but a tactic to manipulate consumers to fork over their hard-earned cash willingly.

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People Divulge Which Brands Can F*** Off
fikry anshor on Unsplash

There are many cases where a company or product promises good quality or intentions.

But that isn't always the case as some companies fail to deliver and they make off with your hard-earned cash.

In an instantly gratifying world, consumers are quick to go after the things they want with the click of a button as long as they have the funds.

But they should keep a close eye on where their money is going toward.

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People Break Down The Most Evil Corporations In The World
Hunters Race/Unsplash

As the years go on, we start to find out more and more terrible things big corporations have done to their workers, their consumers and the environment.

University of Virginia Law professor Brandon Garrett wrote a book called Too Big to Jail. He told Vox prosecutors haven't been following through with the prosecution, only stopping at fines. As much as the fines have gone up in amounts, they have expressed leniency with corporations in hopes they stop breaking laws.

That hasn't seemed to have happened.

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People Describe The Most Stereotypically 'Evil' Companies They Know
Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

Why is money more important than human life? So many of these big companies and corporations seem to relish in taking advantage of us, the little people.

It isn't new you know? They destroy resources, deplete opportunities and suck up all the financial gain.

So what if kids drink poisoned water? Who cares if people are getting cancer from what you put in the air? And never mind what the staff is being paid.

As long as you stay a Fortune 500 powerhouse.

It's vile and we need to take them down.

Redditornikenotnikeywanted to discuss the corporations that need to be taken down a peg or two, by asking:

What are some stereotypically "evil" companies?
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People Break Down What Jobs Should Not Exist
The Climate Reality Project/Unsplash

In a Capitalist society like the one in the U.S., there are jobs that we can point to that show us how that society creates jobs based on those values.

Capitalism takes the stance that "greed is good" and rewards bad behavior. It's clear that the jobs created under a system (founded on colonialism, slavery, and imperialism) are bound to make jobs that are for that sole purpose.

Plus, it can turn people into some real a**holes.

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