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People Break Down Which Modern Day Practices And Beliefs Will Be Considered Barbaric In The Future
Clay Banks on Unsplash

It's hard not to look back on history and be disgusted by a number of things which were at one point deemed acceptable, even not so long ago in the grand scheme of things.

The endless list includes segregation and women not having the right to vote.

We'd certainly like to think that we've come a long way.

But when we look back on how much we, as a culture, have evolved for the better, it also makes us stop and wonder what current customs or practices accepted in society today people twenty years from now will look back on in disgust.

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People Explain Which Common Practices They Find Absolutely Barbaric
Photo by Charlie Firth on Unsplash

The commonality of a practice is not a reliable expression of how moral or justified that practice is. Let's put that in more direct terms: there are a lot of people out here doing all kinds of terrible stuff that we're just "used to."

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