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Babysitters Describe The Most Unsettling Thing That's Happened To Them On The Job
Image by Cheryl Holt from Pixabay

I hate kids. Ok, that is a strong sentiment, I dislike kids... a lot. I babysat one time in my life and that was more than enough.

The only other times I babysat was when I was forced by my mother to watch after my brother which was never fun. Sorry, bro.

I also just can't handle the responsibility of keeping someone's kid breathing. I kill plants.

And I know what I was like as a kid to keep an eye on, so I speak from experience.

Redditor u/oh_the_strugglewanted to chat with people who have a struggle or two watching over others by asking:

Babysitters, what's the most unsettling thing that's happened while you were babysitting?
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Babysitters Break Down The Worst Thing They've Encountered On The Job
Image by Erez Erlichman from Pixabay

Babysitting is a common occurrence that has been around for just about forever. But if we unpack it, it's actually a pretty strange concept.

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