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Splattered Teavana iced coffee on the pavement.
Eastman Childs/Unsplash

When it comes to the activities we do on a daily basis–whether it's punching in numbers at work or doing routine house cleaning–we usually don't focus on them intently because we have it in the bag.

But maybe we should start paying attention.

Because it's the moment when we get cocky that things quickly start to go awry.

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People Confess The Dumbest Thing Their Brain Has Done On Autopilot

We've all been there.

Our brains take siestas. It is a part of life.

Stress, lack of sleep, worry, anxiety, heck just the time of day can throw anyone off. Every once in awhile... or quite often for many of us, our brain shuts down and we have to survive on instinct or sheer luck.

We do it.

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Book smarts and common sense are two wildly different kinds of intelligence. Let's just say they don't always co-exist within the same person. Combine that fact with the way our minds tend to function on autopilot and you've got the perfect recipe for smart people doing some seriously dumb things.

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We've all been there. We've all done it. Sometimes the brain just stalls, or at the very least the cognizant functioning. The brain is a machine, somebody has to be running it. When autopilot switches on, its like being awake and asleep. So walking around amongst society can be dangerous thing. But we all go stupid now and again.

Redditor u/IaniteThePirate wanted everyone to share some DUH life moments by asking.... What's the dumbest thing you've ever done because your brain was on autopilot?

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We've all done something like this before.

You're in that state somewhere between being asleep and actually being awake and aware, and yet you still have to try to function, when you grab a bowl of cereal.

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